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Uokhasellus id adipiscing nu.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elitylot. Integer semper dapibus pharetra. Aenean a rhoncus justo. Aenean consectetur tellus non purus accumsan id mollisar lorem commodo. Etiam quis ante mattis laoreet risus eterto condimentum dui. Sed id elementum nibh. Nunc consewity ecetur metus eu massa feugiat pellentesque. Praesentaloi accumsan eu sem non consectetur.More

Dokhasellus ad adipiscing nuwe.
Klorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elittet. Hnteger semper dapibus pharetra. Oenean a rhoncusyerli justo. Fenean consectetur tellus non purus accumsan idas mollisar lem commodo. Gtiam quis ante mattis laoreet risus eterto condimentum dui. Sed id elementum nibh. Nunctrew consewityecetur metus eu massa feugiat pellentesquejolw. Praesentaloi accumsan eu sem non consectetur.More

Mokhasellay ida adipiscing ntrule.
Hoorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elitltri ylot. Integer semper dapibus pharetra. Aenean a rhoncusy justo. Aenean consectetur tellus non purus accumsan idol mollisar lorem commodo. Tiam quis ante mattis laoreetweti risus eterto condimentum dui. Sed id elementum nibholotr. Nunc consewity rewtylomer. Gecetur metus eu massakolpe feugiat pellentesquaesentaloi accumsan.More

Nokhasellus adipiscing nurewq.
Borem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elitylot. Integer semper dapibus pharetra. Lenean a rhoncus justo. Aenean consectetur tellus non purus accumsan id mollisar lorem commodo. Otiam uis ante mattis laoreet risus eterto condimentum dui. Sed id elementum nibh. Nunc consewity ecetur metus eu massa feugiat pellentesque. Praesentaloi accumsan eu sem non consectetur.More
Our Products
Compleat Adult

Compleat Adult Capsules are an ideal broad spectrum
and totally organic food supplement.
Compleat Adult capsules are made totally from plants and therefore do not have any chemical content. You will benefit from the capsules as it provides you with
■ 1. complete organic (from plant sources) vitamins, minerals and other micronutrients,
■ 2. organic alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) and
■ 3. potent anti-oxidants.
Each capsule contains a minimum of 270mg pure flax sprouts and a minimum of 270mg plant powder derived from barley, soya, lupin, fenugreek and powdered sprouts. It is in fact a combination of our Nutricare and Flexiflax.
Nutricare provides you with a multitude of phytonutrients containing, amongst others, vitamins, minerals and anti-dioxidants. Flexiflax, rich in omega 3 flax seed, is widely regarded as the best omega 3 supplement.
Compleat Adult capsules are beneficial for your health in the following aspects:
•you will maintain a healthy heart and circulatory system
•during menopause it promotes healthy bones as well as skin and hair
•improve your joint and cartilage mobility and help relieve associated pain
•it will significantly boost the immune system and help to promote healthy cell metabolism and general health
•increase your energy and
•relieve stress.
Compleat Adult capsules are made totally from plants and therefore do not have any chemical content.
Compleat Adult capsules are made totally from plants and therefore do not have any chemical content. You will benefit from the capsules as it provides you with
■ 1. complete organic (from plant sources) vitamins, minerals and other micronutrients,
■ 2. organic alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) and
■ 3. potent anti-oxidants.
Each capsule contains a minimum of 270mg pure flax sprouts and a minimum of 270mg plant powder derived from barley, soya, lupin, fenugreek and powdered sprouts. It is in fact a combination of our Nutricare and Flexiflax.
Nutricare provides you with a multitude of phytonutrients containing, amongst others, vitamins, minerals and anti-dioxidants. Flexiflax, rich in omega 3 flax seed, is widely regarded as the best omega 3 supplement.
Compleat Adult capsules are beneficial for your health in the following aspects:
•you will maintain a healthy heart and circulatory system
•during menopause it promotes healthy bones as well as skin and hair
•improve your joint and cartilage mobility and help relieve associated pain
•it will significantly boost the immune system and help to promote healthy cell metabolism and general health
•increase your energy and
•relieve stress.
Compleat Adult capsules are made totally from plants and therefore do not have any chemical content.